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Today: The Game of New gTLDs / End user Spam Email subject lines / What is your best 5 Letter .com Domain Name? / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news that caught my eye today:
Cruise.Trade – How much is this one worth?
One word or a 2 word premium .com – Check your portfolio to see if you have one of these for this buyer. – Do second level gTLD sub-domains like this have any value at all?
End user Spam Email subject lines – Are you using any of these subject lines that are being automatically marked as spam? You might want to change your strategy.
The Game of New gTLDs – Are you playing the new gTLD game?
What is your best 5 Letter .com Domain Name ? – Do you have one you like so much that you tyrn down offers daily? What is it?
What is the best way to identify valuable expired domains? – Everyone probably has a slightly different formula when it comes to the drop catch game. What’s yours?