SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Today: Time limits on your offer to purchase / Domain names that THE MANN bought from other investors / Domains Birth Anniversary – 32 years since first ever domain was registered / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news.
When to use E or I as prefix properly? – Have any tips on this one?
How to discover trending niches for newbies – Do you have any suggestions on how to identify a new niche? – How much do you think this ones worth?
Domains Birth Anniversary – 32 years since first ever domain was registered – Happy B-Day to the domain industry!
Domain names that THE MANN bought from other investors – Have you ever sold a domain to Mike Mann and care to share the story?
Time limits on your offer to purchase – What kind of time limits do you put on offers?
The stages of rejection a domain name goes through before being dropped – What happens from the time of registration/acquisition to dropping? Why do you decide not to renew a domain?
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