SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Today: Alternative ways to Earn Revenue on names / why are some country ccTLD’s reserved by the registry / Sold for $6,500; for $5,000 / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news that caught my eye today. – What kind of value would you put on this .com domains?
What’s your parking revenue – Care to share how your domains are doing? – Is this one worth much? How would you appraise it?
Why are some country ccTLD’s reserved by the registry – Is it only some registries that reserve domains or do all of them do that?
Alternative ways to Earn Revenue on names – I’m always interested in new ways to monetize and generate revenue. Aren’t you? Sold for $6,500; for $5,000 – Some recent domain sales reports to get you motivated.
The Chinese domain market exploded today! – Wow! If those numbers are correct, it’s a huge explosion. I wonder if anyone has some more statistics and references on this they could share?
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