Today: Anyone else been seeing a huge increase in ad rev? / STOLEN / Are misspelled words still valuable? / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news that caught my eye today: – What kind of value does a religious domain like this one have?
Domain name source with “Starting with” ? – Anyone know where to find a reliable tool that has such an option? sold – Nice to see that .info’s are still selling and in demand.
Are misspelled words still valuable? – I remember when typos were a big deal, but ever since search algorithms started auto-correcting I think the value dropped in these. What are your thoughts? STOLEN – It saddens me every time I see a report about another stolen domains.
Anyone else been seeing a huge increase in ad rev? – It’s always interesting to crunch the numbers when revenue streams spike to figure out why and optimize it better. Care to contribute to this topic?
It’s time to renew. What should you do? 5 questions to ask first. – Some interesting tips for those of you consider renewing, but not sure if you should.
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