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Today: Where do you Get Most of Your Parking Hits from? Mobile or Non..? / [BUYING] COM Brandables Edu niche needed / .bet domains – Are they worth the gamble? / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news that caught my eye today:
WTB Keyword .coms – Do you have any keyword domains for sale? This investor is looking. – What kind of value does this one have?
California Legal Domains .com only – Another investor looking to buy some internet realestate. Check your portfolio.
Where do you Get Most of Your Parking Hits from? Mobile or Non..? – Do you track where your hits are coming from and care to share some of the results?
[BUYING] COM Brandables Edu niche needed – Check your portfolio for one of these.
.bet domains – Are they worth the gamble – Anyone investing in these have some statistics?
How to negotiate with a buyer that won’t make an offer – I think this is a pretty common scenario. How do you deal with it?