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Today: Criteria for investing in a domain / STOLEN / .移动 DOMAIN – Anyone dive into this one? / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news that caught my eye today:
.Science Showcase – Anyone care to share their new .Science gTLD domains?
Please appraise – Anyone have an appraisal idea for this short .info?
Travel Domains with Trademarks – Anyone familiar with this niche and trademarks that could answer a few questions?
Criteria for investing in a domain – What are the top 5 things you look for in criteria when investing in a domain name?
.移动 DOMAIN – Anyone dive into this one? – Is this Chinese extension worth investing in or is the market limited? STOLEN – Is this for real? are people still stealing domains? It’s getting ridiculous seeing these type of thieves running rampant on the internet.
How Much of Your Domain Portfolio is .COM? – With all the new gTLD’s available to register and resell, how much of your portfolio is .com? Are you transitioning to new gTLD’s or holding onto .com’s?
5 years ago it was 100% com/net
2 years ago it was 100% com/net/co/uk/au/cc/
On May 30th it was 50% com/net/cc 50% new gtlds
today it’s 80% xyz, lol