SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Today: The 3W Rule of Domain Name Investing / Your favorite registrar to register New gTLDs / 11.ORG sold for five figures. Very cheap? / And more.
Here are the new threads that caught my eye:
Buying All letters – Check your portfolio for one of these.
Please appraise – How much is this one worth?
First new gTLD deleted from the net!!! Caution to all. – Wow, I would hate to be the holders of domains on an extension that gets chopped.
Do you think GTLD registrars like .top and .xyz would come up with $1 renewals? – Yes / No?
Your favorite registrar to register New gTLDs – What’s your favorite?
The 3W Rule of Domain Name Investing – Interesting read.
11.ORG sold for five figures. Very cheap? – What do you think?
Do Not Underestimate Two Word .COM Domains – Anyone else investing in these?