SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Today: Niche domain or unique content? / help…domain already registered.. what to do? / Domain Sale – Appraisal Scam / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain news that caught my eye today: appraisal pls – What kind of value does this gambling related domain have?
Other than English domain names and brandables! – Do non-English domains do any good in extensions other than their geo targeted ccTLD’s?
What do u think of .bz domains ? – Are they any good to invest in?
Help…domain already registered.. what to do? – What are the steps this buyer should follow in order to get the best deal on a domain someone already owns?
Domain Sale – Appraisal Scam – The never ending story. Sad that this type of stuff still happens.
Niche domain or unique content? – Is it better to have a niche domain or a brandable with niche content? What are your thoughts on this?
Cutting out the middleman and parking your own domains – Share your story and techniques with other like minded entrepreneurs. Collaborate and learn at the same time.
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