SPACESHIP.COM - UNBEATABLE $4.98 Dot Com Domain Registrations
Many domain name investors appear to have also started to invest in NFTs over the past few years, we have read of a lot of cash being spent to acquire but also sell some pretty cool NFTs, while that space is hot it gives us domain name investors also the opportunity to sell some of our assets or invest in new NFT domains.
I myself only own a few NFT domains, but I know some have really gotten big in that and the crypto space.
I came across the domain name when doing some research on potential names to registered/acquire and I really liked this one, yes I know it ends in “Z” but to me it seems brandable…
You’re probably wondering why or how did I even come across this domain name, well cats are popular online…We all know it and most of the NFTs I have seen don’t have cats, so I was doing some research and came across this NFT for Cats that can be bought via ETH, I landed on this website CryptoCats and then did my usual who owns the dot com since this is on a sub-domain.
Turns out was registered in 2014 and is owned by someone in the UK but the domain is parked at NameCheap with no for sale lander, so next, I looked at, and while also seeing it was registered, I noted it was parked at and is available for sale… so could be turned into the next CryptoCats?
It’s parked at and open to offers, I might send one over myself to the owner to see if I can get a deal on it… Maybe I’ll be minting NFT Cats soon…
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