Today: The value of .com emoji domains / Share your favorite domains in TV commercials / I just sold my 1st domain for $1250 and it was adult domain / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news.
Post a Developed .xyz – Care to share some of the developed .xyzdomains you’ve come across?
Domains With .es and/or .wales Extensions – What kind of data is available on the success rates of these extensions?
Please appraise: – How much do you think one is worth?
The value of .com emoji domains – What kind of floor value do emoji domains have in today’s market?
I just sold my 1st domain for $1250 and it was adult domain – It’s always nice to read about first time sales.
Share your favorite domains in TV commercials – What domain(s) have you seen in commercials?
[WANTED] 2-3 word .com, 1 word .net – Be sure to double check your portfolio for one of these. This buyer is ready to invest.