Today: VR domains wanted / I Want domains with keyword Buy, Bid, Sell, Charity / Is there any escrow service that will pay both seller and his agent? / And more.
Here are the new threads that caught my eye:
Looking for input and advice on a domain sale pitch – Do you have any tips?
VR domains wanted – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these. – Any value in this one?
I Want domains with keyword Buy, Bid, Sell, Charity. – Check your portfolio to see if you have one of these as well. sold for $3199 on NameJet [12.16.2015] – Recent .info sale. worth ? – What do you think this ones worth?
Is there any escrow service that will pay both seller and his agent? – How about it, anyone know?
How can i justify the value of domain name to end user ? – Anyone out there have a solution?