2025 - Dot Com Discount Registration
What a crazy day, I can’t believe what I am watching on the news here about the capitol building being taken over by Trump Supports.
It’s just unreal to see a building of this significance being stormed by any political parties or activists.
I do hope that peace will prevail and nobody gets seriously injured.
Now back to the domain names; I came across this thread on NamePros titled – Just wandering: are still there opportunities with dropped/expired domains?
I do personally believe their is lots of money to be made on both expired and dropped domain names not just from a resale purpose but also if you are starting a business getting a domain name with a good history can assist you too.
So what’s your thoughts? Why not head over and assist this newbie domain name investor on NamePros.
2 thoughts on “Just wandering: are still there opportunities with dropped/expired domains?”