Today: Acquiring leads for health industry end-users / Google’s Search Quality Crisis / Newly Registered Domains Reported For Sending Spam / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news.
Help ! Domain with 700 daily traffic – What would your advice be to this investor looking to monetize?
Cha .NET sold for $20,000 – A motivational sales report showing some gain in the 3 letter .net markets. – What kind of appraisal value does this domain have?
Newly Registered Domains Reported For Sending Spam – Have you ever bought a domain with bad history like this?
Google’s Search Quality Crisis – What are your thoughts when it comes to unrelated results for search terms?
Acquiring leads for health industry end-users – What tips do you have for collecting leads in this niche market?
[HIRING] I want to hire an expert in accreditation for .in – Do you know an expert that can help?