Today: Is it easier to sell a domain that has a certified appraisal? / Sports domain names / Sold for €58,000; for $15,000 / And more.
Here are the new threads that caught my eye:
WTB Keyword .IN Domains – Check your portfolio for one of these.
CarriacouPetiteMartinique(.)com appraisal req/ how much worth? – Any value here?
????? Houston Texas – What to do and see ????? – Anything exciting there?
Is it easier to sell a domain that has a certified appraisal? – I think the appraisal scams ruined this option. Your thoughts? Sold for €58,000; for $15,000… – Some recent sales reports.
sports domain names – Any of the new gTLD’s related to sports worth investing in?
First domain sale over $1,000? – Have you sold one over $1k yet?
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