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Today: Keyword Domain vs. Brandable for Web Development? / AI (artificial intelligence) DOMAINS / Latin Plural vs. English Plural : “name””? / And more.
Here are the new discussions and domain name news that caught my eye today: – Everyone needs an air conditioner to keep cool in the hot summer months. Any value in this domain?
Looking for CCC.COM NNNNN.COM LLLL.COM LLL.NET – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these. This buyer is ready to invest. – What kind of value does this one have?
Keyword Domain vs. Brandable for Web Development? – Personally I think that a business should have a brandable and that keyword domains should be lead generators that feed the brand. What are your thoughts?
Latin Plural vs. English Plural : “name”” ? – Which ones better to develop on?
AI (artificial intelligence) DOMAINS – Is this a big enough niche to invest in? Do you own any?
What is your monthly budget for acquisitions? – Do you have the same budget every month or does it changes based on other variables? How do you decide what that budget will be each month?