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Today: Offer to purchase name – does this look legit? / WTB: 4L .com’s / Anyone heard of “Funnel Hacking”? Sounds like the new marketing scam / And more.
Here are the new threads that caught my eye:
Please Appraise Diesel.TV – What’s the value of this one?
Cloud Domains – Any value in this market?
What is the catch in 5L? – Anyone tracking this market?
WTB: 4L .com’s – Check your portfolio for one of these.
Offer to purchase name – does this look legit? – What do you think?
Anyone heard of “Funnel Hacking”? Sounds like the new marketing scam… – What’s this about?
Single mom trying to get her feet wet… – Nice to see more female domain investors in the industry.
No slowdown during Chinese Holidays – And the wheels keep turning.